Who is Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab ?

Who is Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab ?There are currently about ten results in Google for Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, who today attempted to ignite some sort of explosive device on Northwest Airlines Flight 253. Here is what we know so far:
  • He’s in custody. Good.
  • He’s Nigerian.
  • He’s 23.
  • He claims to be working with al Qaeda.
  • He was on a “U.S. government watch list of people with suspected terrorist ties” — but not a no-fly list.
  • He traveled from Lagos to Amsterdam to Detroit. He was traveling one way — no return ticket.
  • He’s being treated for burns in Detroit, thanks to the aforementioned failed attempt. Well, better him than anyone else (though there were a few passengers injured, not seriously). Certainly better than if he had been successful.
  • His fellow passengers thwarted his attempt. Per MSNBC.com: “Two people noticed the attempted attack, and a third person jumped on the man and subdued him, an airline official told NBC News.”
  • He just made flying during the holiday season a LOT more stressful.