Haiti 6.1 Story, Haiti 6.1 news, Haiti 6.1 photo, Info Haiti 6.1, Haiti 6.1 reviews, Haiti 6.1 Breaking News, Haiti 6.1 US News.Port-au-Prince, Haiti – A powerful new earthquake struck Haiti on Wednesday, shaking rubble from damaged buildings and sending screaming people running into the streets only eight days after the country’s capital was devastated by an apocalyptic quake.The magnitude-6.1 temblor was the largest aftershock yet to the Jan. 12 quake. The extent of additional damage or injuries was not immediately clear.
Wails of terror rose from frightened survivors as the earth shuddered at 6:03 a.m. U.S. soldiers and tent city refugees alike raced for open ground, and clouds of dust rose in the capital.