So I have the Beat Freaks, who are an all-girl break dancing group. They’re featured on America’s Best Dance Crew. Usually it’s all boy flipping around, spinning on their heads and I have a group of all females that are doing the exact same flips and jumps and turns and spinning on their heads moves. They open my show and then I come out at the end with them as well. And I have a female DJ, which is also seen as a man’s job. So me, the dance crew, the dj, we’re all an up-to-date version of Rosie the Riveter, a young, urban, hip group of women saying, ‘This is how we do it now.’
HP: It would seem that your crowd would be a little young to remember Rosie the Riveter…
AJ: My crowd goes from five-year-olds to eighty-year-olds. It’s so crazy how vast my fan base is. I have the young junior high girls watching me on YouTube and then they show their moms. Then the moms get together and come to my show. So I’ll have a group of ten mothers who are like, ‘My daughter just loves you,’ and I’ll have kids, and young professionals who are watching me on their computers at work in their cubicles, and I have the gay community which has embraced me, which I’m so grateful for, and then the Latinos and Asians … it’s so crazy. I just love that I can look out into my audience and see so many different kinds of people.