The following is by Brenden Sherratt of In The Shark Tank.
On this weeks episode of Shark Tank:
Nicole Jones “The Shoe Professa” and her business Pillars of Slippers, her business offers fashionable shoes at a reasonable price. Nicole wants to franchise her business which throws ’shoe parties’ similar to Tupperware party’s in peoples houses.
Llama Brew is an econ-friendly liquid fertilizer made out of llama manure. You have to love an entrepreneur who is making money selling shit.
Michele Kapustka and Melisa Moroko are a sister team who will bring their small business Send a Ball to the Sharks. Send a Ball is an internet based greeting company that sells play balls with personalized messages on them, they are then sent fully inflated in the mail to who ever you want.
Qubits is a business owned by architect Mark Burginger. Qubits is a new type flexible building toy, which helps kids learn about engineering.
Nubrella is a pop up umbrella, that’s wind proof and holds up against heavy rain and even snow.
“Episode 110″ – The energetic and self-prolcaimed “Shoe-Professah” from Chicago begins her colorful presentation with a shoe fashion show, but Kevin O’Leary can’t decide whether she’s a savvy business woman or a nut. A couple from La Habra Heights, California who run a petting zoo have made the most of their resources by coming up with a liquid llama fertilizer. Currently working out of their garage, a charming sister team from Chicago make a hilarious pitch to expand their business that mails balls with messages on them. After going $60,000 in debt to bring a bendable geometric toy to life, an architect from Bend, Oregon is desperate to make his business successful. A man from Delroy Beach, Florida has ingeniously re-invented the umbrella by making it hands free and strapping it onto the body. There is an update on the Life Belt (”Episode 102″) and its inventor, Robert Allison, who passed up a million-dollar offer from the Sharks, on “Shark Tank,” FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5 (9:00-10:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network.
Follow Brenden on Twitter at @SharkTankABC.