Star Spangled Kid | Star Spangled Kid star girl

Star Spangled Kid | Star Spangled Kid star girl, star girl, sylvester pemberton, dr fate, dr. fate, sandman

After months of anticipation, the two-hour Smallville television event that everyone has been waiting for is now upon us as Hawkman, Star Girl and Dr. Fate teams up with Clark Kent, Green Arrow and Martian Manhunter to track down a killer before it’s too late.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock that has no internet or television, you’ve heard something about the Smallville television event “Absolute Justice” in which The Star-Spangled Kid/Skyman, Sylvester Pemberton, seeks out of the help of Chloe and her band of superheroes, all while Lois Lane is dealing with the evil Amanda Waller and the secret government agency, Checkmate. The episode is written by DC Comics (and fan-beloved) writer, Geoff Johns.

No wonder this is a two-hour event – there’s no way you could squeeze this many DC references into a single 60-min episode. Even I had to dust off my DC Comics Encyclopedia to make sure that I wasn’t missing anything.

Still, I had to at least miss a couple of fanboy references and I’m sure that the readers will make sure to tell me in the comments, there’s no doubt that for a fan of Smallville or comic books in general, “Absolute Justice” is a must-see event.


As with all of our previous Review & Discussion articles this is a placeholder until we’re able to write up a full review. We know how much our readers enjoySmallville and are looking forward to “Absolute Justice” and I really didn’t want to be the person blamed because there wasn’t a place for people go and talk about the show before, during and after it airs.

Still, all is not lost as we’ve got more Smallville coverage than any human could absorb. Check out some of our Smallville stash:

Smallville Mid-Season Return: Review & Discussion